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Hey it’s Kofi!

Being born in the Central Valley of California and raised by Ghanaian parents of the LDS (Mormon) faith, I realized that culture impacts how different groups of people perceive the world around them. Through my ethnicity and faith, I have been exposed to a variety of different social circles and felt like I never belonged because I never identified completely with one group. It wasn’t until later in life I discovered how valuable a fresh perspective can be when applied to an open mind. The disparity of my upbringing has given me the ability to comfortably connect with a plethora of different people and I couldn’t be more grateful. I look forward to implementing my point of view into the world of strategy.


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Driven by competition

I coach a youth travel soccer team because it allows me to connect with the sport on a deeper level by giving back to the next generation of soccer players. Soccer (in any form) is where I can truly be single-minded and how I escape my everyday battles.

Inspired by information

My curiosity about how the world’s events influence culture and vice-versa fascinate me as I seek to understand myself as well as the trends of society. My creativity is driven by consuming a variety of information that I can draw from and I know without my morning email reading I wouldn’t be able to connect as many ideas together.


Passionate about people

I am grateful for the opportunities that I’ve had to travel, but even more grateful for the people that I have met on the way. I have gained so much insight from others from different backgrounds and it is invaluable to me. Good food and a good conversation is really what I live for.